As the calendar turns to 2020, Wasabi’s breeding program celebrates the official birthdays of its first homebred 2YO, the Jump Start-Waveland filly (nicknamed Whoopie Pie), currently in training in Virginia, and three homebred yearlings: the Golden Lad-Campaign Vows filly (Cookie) and the colts by Great Notion-Magical Point (Mousse) and Blofeld-Analyzeyurspending (Animal Cracker). All of the newly-turned yearlings are currently residing at St. Omer’s Farm in Maryland, awaiting probable trips to Delaware in the next few weeks to become Delaware Certified.

Now that it’s January, that also means we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first of 16 Wasabi-bred foals expected this spring. Although equine due dates are no more accurate than human ones, both Hurryupandcomeback and Waveland should deliver their foals sometime this month. Waveland is carrying a member of the last crop of Pennsylvania’s long-time leading sire Jump Start, while Hurryupandcomeback is at the other end of the spectrum, carrying a member of the first crop of unbeaten Grade 1 winner Army Mule.