Submitted by Alyssa Kelly
Since the last update, Peyton went to the St. Augustine Pony Club jumper show where he moved up to a higher jump height division of 2’6”. Peyton was amazing at the horse show, achieving champion of the class even though it was the first time he has shown at that height! He handled the atmosphere very well; he self-loaded on the trailer and shipped to the show by himself.
Most recently, Peyton attended the Wicomico Hunt Club for their Foxhunting 101 clinic, where Peyton got familiar with the hunting dogs and following in a large group. Since neither Peyton nor I have ever fox hunted before we decided to go in the third flight, which was the slowest group.
Next week, we will move up to the second flight, which will be super exciting! Please visit MAHR Team Peyton Place RRP 2020 Facebook page to follow our training until the new 2021 Mega Makeover!
To read Peyton’s previous update, please click here.