Peyton Place- Update 8

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Submitted by Alyssa Kelly If you have been following along with Peyton’s updates since the beginning (back in December of 2019), you would know that we should be competing at the 2020 Retired Racehorse Project Makeover. Unfortunately, the 2020 Makeover was cancelled due to COVID-19 and rescheduled for the following year. I wanted to take this time to look back at Peyton’s progress in the last 10 months! We picked up Peyton from Mid-Atlantic Horse Rescue on December 15th, 2019, with very minimal training prior to being adopted. Since he was adopted, our goal was to give Peyton as many…

Peyton Place- Update 7

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Submitted by Alyssa Kelly Since the last update, Peyton went to the St. Augustine Pony Club jumper show where he moved up to a higher jump height division of 2’6”. Peyton was amazing at the horse show, achieving champion of the class even though it was the first time he has shown at that height! He handled the atmosphere very well; he self-loaded on the trailer and shipped to the show by himself. Most recently, Peyton attended the Wicomico Hunt Club for their Foxhunting 101 clinic, where Peyton got familiar with the hunting dogs and following in a large group.…

Peyton Place- Update 6

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Submitted by Alyssa Kelly This month of training for Peyton included a Friday night horse show under the lights at Granite Springs Stables. Peyton was reserve champion of the jumper division and earned great ribbons in the Adult Equitation division. The last week of July Peyton got a well deserved vacation for a week! Since his vacation Peyton has been participating in dressage and jumping lessons, as well as riding on the trails. The plans for the next month include schooling more cross country courses and hopefully registering for our first horse trails! Peyton and I also registered for a…

Peyton Place- Update 5

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Submitted by Alyssa Kelly This month of Peyton’s training started with attending our second cross country schooling at St. Augustine Pony Club. At the end of June, Peyton went to his first horse jumper show at Pairadice Equestrian Farm! We had a great time at the horse show. Peyton behaved perfectly in the large horse show environment. We placed second in the 2’-2’3” Power & Speed class, which included a successful jump off and placed 6th in the Gambler’s Choice class. Through this last month, Peyton and I have been taking weekly dressage lessons, which is teaching us balance and…
Submitted by Alyssa Kelly We are coming up on 6 months of training for Peyton! This month we were able to take a few field trips. Our first adventure was to Fair Hill, Maryland, for some trail riding through the woods, over a few bridges, and through some water. Peyton is a rockstar going to new places including self-loading onto the trailer. We were also able to travel to St. Augustine Pony Club for our first cross country schooling. Peyton was very brave and jumped everything (even the very scary black pipe)! This month we learned that Peyton had some…
Submitted by Alyssa Kelly Throughout this quarantine, Peyton has been continued his training for the 2020 Retired Racehorse Makeover. Our training plan was to start horse showing and cross country schooling during April and May. Unfortunately, with the stay-at-home order in Maryland, our training has been limited to our boarding farm. We are lucky to have miles of trails that we can explore to get Peyton comfortable with new environments. Throughout this time, Peyton has gained more experience over fences. He is successfully jumping courses of fences at the 2 foot 3 inch height with ease. He also loves to…

Peyton Place- Update 2

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Submitted by Alyssa Kelly Peyton Place, aka Peyton, has been enjoying the warmer spring weather by going on plenty of trail rides recently. Unfortunately, with the recent Coronavirus quarantine our show schedule has been put on hold for now. Luckily, Peyton is continuously work throughout this downtime, and we have taken advantage of the trails behind our boarding facility. We started with short fifteen-minute trail rides to get him comfortable outside of the ring with the trees blowing and animals running across the trail. Throughout this past month we have worked up to an almost 7-mile trail ride. Peyton has meet plenty of new…
Submitted by Alyssa Kelly On December 15th, 2019, Peyton Place was adopted from Mid-Atlantic Horse Rescue by Christine McFadden Aguilar and Alyssa Kelly. Peyton’s last race was August 29th, 2018; he earned a total of $13,775 during his racing career with Wasabi Ventures Stables, LLC. Since his last race, Peyton was given time off to rehabilitate a bowed tendon. After some much needed rest, Peyton started his second career with the aim to compete at the 2020 Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover in October. The Thoroughbred Makeover is a showcase to display the trainability and talent of off-track Thoroughbreds intended to help these horses transition into their second careers. Currently, the plan is to compete Peyton in the discipline of…