Submitted by Alyssa Kelly
Throughout this quarantine, Peyton has been continued his training for the 2020 Retired Racehorse Makeover. Our training plan was to start horse showing and cross country schooling during April and May. Unfortunately, with the stay-at-home order in Maryland, our training has been limited to our boarding farm. We are lucky to have miles of trails that we can explore to get Peyton comfortable with new environments. Throughout this time, Peyton has gained more experience over fences. He is successfully jumping courses of fences at the 2 foot 3 inch height with ease. He also loves to jump the fallen trees on the trail! We are hoping to go to Fair Hill for more trail riding soon!
Peyton is also enjoying some pampering during the quarantine. Earlier this month, Peyton had a chiropractic appointment, as well as getting his feet done. Peyton has been barefoot throughout all of his training so far! Please remember to follow along with Peyton’s second career journey by following the MAHR Team Peyton Place RRP 2020 Facebook page.
Stay Safe!
To read Peyton’s previous update, click here.